Plays | Musicals
(play, full length, 3w, 2m)
The Shapiro-Rosenblatt-Cunningham clan has gathered in suburban New York City to do what it does every Passover: commemorate, sanctify, dispute, remember, rehearse, indict, celebrate and “passively regress” the ancient feast of Jewish liberation. When estranged daughter Skye returns home with an unexpected guest and a pet-project in tow, everyone is forced to confront long simmering grievances and repressed truths that threaten to wreck the holiday, and maybe the family, for good. A commission of Theater J’s “Expanding the Canon” initiative, I Know of Plagues excavates the unique ways that only family can fracture when race, politics, religion, and generational grudges can no longer be kept at bay.
(play, full length, 2m, 1m/w/nb)
New York City. 1935. John W. Bubbles, the godfather of tap, and George Gershwin, the preeminent composer, prepare the world premiere of Porgy & Bess through a series of private rehearsals. A kaleidoscopic dance-forward play, Bubbles And Gershwin mines the creative process of two American legends who forged a stunning and complicated legacy that would long outlive either man.
The Jubilee Project (2059)
The Jubilee Project is an ongoing multidisciplinary theater project that questions what does it mean for both an individual and a society to “get free”? Drawn from the biblical concept of Jubilee - an ancient time of liberation where every 49 years land was repatriated, the enslaved were set free, and debts were forgiven - this project is composed of seven seven-year cycles where the playwright composes a new short work to reflect on and re-contextualize the previous cycles around the central question of personal and collective freedom.
If all goes according plan, the cycle will be completed in 2059.
Part I: Bread of Heaven (2016)
(play with music, short, 1m)
Bread of Heaven is an intimate solo theatre piece that mines and dramatizes the religious journey of K, a playwright growing up in the Black church who becomes Jewish. Liberally based on the life of the playwright, Bread of Heaven weaves a non-linear journey through the porous boundaries of K’s racial and religious identity, placing it in conversation with the narratives, myths, movements, and hymns of his distinct, lived communities.
Part II: Plague, or By Any Other Name (2023)
Plague, or By Any Other Name is a short monologue-meditation that throws several Biblical plague texts into dialogue with the with the too many “plagues” (e.g, Covid-19 pandemic, the entrenchment of extremist violence) of the intervening years since the first installment of the Jubilee Project cycle. In this installation, K surveys the world from the new vantage point of becoming a father. Ultimately, he finds himself caught between the fervent hope in a moral universe and increasing alienation from the divine.
Miles & Me
Music: Danny Abosch, Book & Lyrics: Kendell Pinkney
(musical, full length, 4m, 3w)
MILES and ME is a coming-of-age comedy that follows the story of Cameron, an aspiring composer under-overwhelmed by his post-undergrad existence. When a mysterious producer, Miles, offers him the career-boost he so desires, Cameron travels across the country only to discover that this opportunity is not at that it appears to be.